so a lot has happened in 2 years. hmmmm. if you became my patreon supporter the skinny is laid out real thick there. but here are some more positive highlights since the last few years have been a chaotic fest of survival, joy and horror.
photo by Catherine Dee
started Party4Sadness with Siân Richards in 2020 to just friggin survive and we are doing stuff and just got a 2023 (upcoming) Creative Residency Fellowship at the Hambidge Center for Creative Arts & Sciences!!!!! more later…
2022 i got a scholarship to Penland School of Craft to study silk screen printing with John Hitchcock. check out his epic work here:
photo by Kristin Finn
i also started a partnership with film maker Cat Rider called Cazap Projects. she got me sponsored at Experimental Film Virginia July 2022 and we crushed it, creating our very metal dance film DEVOURING STONES. it is in post-production and will be ready by spring!!!
also, also i worked on this song film in the pandemic with Lilly Bechtel and Cat Rider and we released it on Halloween 2022!
also, also, also i was invited to be on the board of ARTivism Virginia and they rock! artivism_virginia
photo by julie rothschild
also, also, also did a deep lab with practice of making my partnership with Julie Rothschild in the winter/spring of 2021/22 at the ADF Studios
theater of lost words . the beginning end :a new project directed by zap:::mcconnell and julie rothschild
in collaboration with Allison Waddell and Ray Eliot Schwartz
performed by Julie Rothschild and Caitlyn Swett, stage managed by zap:::mcconnell
Presented by The Practice of Making. In association with Chicken Bank Collective, @handproductions, CLOSE LOOK and a dream of zen monkey project. With immense gratitude to the ADF studio subsidy program funded by the Robert and Mercedes Eichholz Foundation.
there was other stuff. i will add it in. sometime. and maybe even the horror….