soooo……i am back from the last summer of the low res grad program in Roanoke then Berlin, where i took class, didn’t sleep, wrote my thesis, and presented my thesis showing (check out the incredible artists who helped make it happen by awkwardly clicking below:)
taryn griggs and chris yon go into princess/science world. bea is just around the corner.
cin is finding her fractured princess spirit
liz simmons co-created the site installations and performed
ali cheff was the gung-fu tea haus post apocalypse goddess
mikaela deighan was tea. made 100 tea cups as well
#noshowwithoutopal opal was a rock and performed, sean and erica from our cohort added their skill, taylor was an amazing intern turned performer, plus many others. more later with more pics…..
now i am in the thick of shaking off the couple o weeks of recovery i needed from one of the hardest things i have ever done. i am writing cover letters, searching for guest artist teaching gigs, applying to residencies and grants. your basic hustle. plus starting to work on the production of all things discarded:an indwelling to be performed in Winston-Salem NC and Cville VA….to start.
fall is upon us. lets glory in it!!!!
my amazing cohort at our last celebratory dinner!